Примеры употребления для extension
1. Pero con la convergencia de los dos factores estamos logrando responder mejor a esta crisis". La piedra angular de ese programa son los llamados health extension workers, algo así como trabajadores de extensión de la sanidad.
2. Algo contra lo que Bedria, su health extension worker, ya les ha advertido: vivir en la misma habitación que el ganado constituye una amenaza para enfermedades como el tétanos.
3. Instead, Bush recently approved new measures that make it harder for undocumented migrants to get a driver‘s license and clear the way for an extension of a security wall along the California–Mexico border.
4. "Rehabilitation of grasses mainly the grass species shatter (cynodon nlenfuensis vanderyst), guinea (panicum maximun) With the application and extension of the technologies, it was achieved increments in the production of milk and in the profitability of the communities of workers equally that it was contributed to the sostenibilidad of the processes since the human potential of self-esteem of these communities he/she rose.
5. Second Idea: "The twenty-first century will certainly be dominated by a rich, confident, and well-educated East Asia but it will also feature the continued integration of the European Union and the development of a genuinely anti-American bloc in Latin America and the Caribbean" The Asia Rising - more than the US twin deficits and the new terrorism - will be the main obstacle for the extension of the US hegemonic role?